• 160 results for your search term

    A Mountain Birdwatch and Looning Adventure

    VCE loon biologist, Eric Hanson, shares his annual Mountain Birdwatch / loon reconnaissance adventure along the Canadian border with Vermont and New Hampshire.

    Mentoring an Eagle Scout for the Loon Project

    This past year, Caleb Nye of Hinesburg conducted numerous activities to assist the Vermont Loon Conservation Project, and the loons on Lake Iroquois, in

    Mansfield Update: Owls, Cones and Crossbills

    same net (siblings?) just after dawn on Mt. Mansfield, 22 July 2020. © Michael Sargent A distinct advantage of mid-summer’s dwindling daylength—at least...

    Mid-July Loon Update

    It’s mid-July, height of “loon season,” and just a few days away from Vermont’s 38th annual LoonWatch Day on Saturday, July 18. VCE's loon

    Join the Vermont Moth Blitz During National Moth Week July 18-26

    National Moth Week offers everyone, everywhere a unique opportunity to become a citizen scientist and contribute information about moths. You can help map moth

    The Masked Banders of Mansfield

    Fish photographing a banded Bicknell’s Thrush on Mt. Mansfield, 9 July 2020. © Michael Sargent Neither a fashion statement or attempt to remain...


    Suds & Science Our 2024 Suds & Science schedule will be available this winter—please check back! Hosted by VCE biologist Jason Hill, Suds &

    Vermont Loon Conservation Project Off to A Successful Start

    16 territories visited, 30 loons observed, eight nests confirmed - all in one day. It helps to know where the loon nests are located

    VCE’s Commitment to Racial Justice

    We at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies value diversity, equity, and inclusion; we are committed to action and creating change, both within our organization

    VCE’s 29th Season on Mansfield off to an Unusual Start

    that I was quick to volunteer. We had timed our inaugural 2020 banding session to coincide with a perfect weather forecast—vital with no...