• 160 results for your search term

    Checking in: April Update on VCE’s COVID-19 Response

    Fish & Wildlife Department, about how best to proceed with VCE’s 2020 upcoming field seasons for projects that range from the Vermont Loon...

    Outdoor Radio: Hoarding Blue Jays

    In this episode of Outdoor Radio, we begin on a carriage road in middle of the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller  National Historical Park looking and listening for Blue Jays

    Vermont Center for Ecostudies Operations Update in Response to COVID-19

    volunteers, and communities safe and healthy. as of friday, march 13, 2020, the vce office will be closed to visitors. however, please know...

    Rare Crested Caracara Visits Vermont

    On March 23, 2018 Mark Bessette surprised the Vermont iNaturalist community. Mark had snapped some photographs of an unusual-looking bird that he dubbed, “Elvis,

    VCE Colleague Yolanda León Receives Prestigious Conservation Award

    Longtime VCE conservation partner and Advisory Council member Yolanda León recently made us all proud by receiving the prestigious 2019 Partners in Flight Individual

    Spencer Hardy

    Spencer Hardy grew up in the shadow of VCE and many of the current staff are to blame for getting him hooked on birds

    A Serendipitous Orchard Oriole Extravaganza

    orchard orioles appeared to roost overnight in panama city, 8 february 2020. intrigue got the better of me overnight, and i was back...

    Outdoor Radio: The Annual January Thaw – Real or Fantasy?

    In this episode of Outdoor Radio, Kent McFarland and Sara Zahendra begin inside the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium in St. Johnsbury to talk with meteorologist Mark

    Winged Wonders

    The Vermont Center for Ecostudies invites you to join us at the idyllic Blueberry Hill Inn, in the heart of the Green Mountain National

    Vermont eBirders Gather Big Bird Data During County Quest

    and additional species will be coming in the first half of 2020. these results are the culmination of ebird’s initial vision of connecting...