• 160 results for your search term

    A Bicknell’s Thrush Storm on Mansfield

    4 females; 10 new, 4 returns (2 each from 2019 and 2020); 3 within-season recaptures; females with fully-developed incubation patches swainson’s thrush —...

    press release – VCE Receives Major Funding for Loon Conservation

    annual average of 95 breeding loon pairs, with 96 reported in 2020. while these improvements are encouraging, vermont’s loons still face numerous threats....

    Mansfield Ridgeline Quiet During VCE Week 3 Visit

    patch, yearling male Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) — 1 return male from 2020 White-throated Sparrow — 4 (3 new, 1 return male from 2019)...

    A Veteran Bicknell’s Thrush Helps Launch New VCE Study

    2014 and 2016. however, he eluded us in both 2019 and 2020. after that well-deserved break from vce’s clutches, 2341-24085 reappeared on 8...

    Blackpolls Abound as VCE Launches Year #30 on Mansfield

    bandings, 5 return males [1 from 2016 and 2018, 3 from 2020]) hermit thrush — 1 new female with regressing brood patch american...

    “Big Day” Birding

    replete with 298 photos and audio recordings while contributing to VCE’s 2020 Backyard Bird Quest. That kind of intense birding effort on a...

    Join Our West Virginia White Watch (April 1-June 6)

    Spring is changing. The snow is melting earlier, wildflowers are blooming sooner, and trees are leafing out faster. How are West Virginia White butterflies

    Powerlines and pollinators: undervalued and underappreciated

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced in December of 2020 that monarchs will likely be Federally listed under the Endangered Species...

    Michael Hallworth

    Mike is a wildlife ecologist who takes a full annual cycle approach to understand the interplay between the environment and population demography. To do

    Vermont Town Birding Challenge

    goal of the project is to leave no town unbirded in 2020 – Baltimore, here we come. Considering it’s taken 17 birders that...