Here's your source of breaking news on Common Loon recovery and conservation in Vermont and beyond.

Loon Season Update: Late Nests and a Successful Rescue
August 30, 2019VCE's Eric Hanson provides this late-summer update from the water, including a couple of short rescued loon release video clips! Get the scoop »

Eric Hanson wins GMP-Zetterstrom Environmental Award
April 23, 2019Eric Hanson, VCE’s loon biologist since 1998 and the guiding force behind recovery of Vermont’s formerly endangered common loon, was presented the 2019 Green Mountain Power (GMP) Zetterstrom Environmental Award on April 23rd. Read the press release »

Loon Chicks on Caspian Lake: Flying, Feeding, and Finding A Friend
October 04, 2018As the coordinator of the Vermont Loon Conservation Project, VCE's Eric Hanson receives a good number and variety of stories from volunteer loon watchers. This month he shares VLCP volunteer Nina Sharp's observations of loon chicks on Caspian Lake. It's a good read! Read the story... »

A Record Year for Vermont Loons in 2017
October 01, 2017This year was another very good breeding season for Common Loons in Vermont. We found a record 97 nest attempts with at least 72 of them successful fledging young. Many loon pairs produced two chicks resulting in over 110 successfully fledging. Read more on the VCE Blog »

Another Record Year for Nesting Loons in Vermont
December 12, 2016It was a banner year for Common Loons breeding in Vermont. Volunteers helped us monitor 93 nesting pairs around the state, a record number since monitoring began four decades ago. Sixty-five pairs successfully hatched 98 chicks, and 80 of these young survived through August. We couldn't do this work without the help of over 280 volunteers and our longtime partner, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped VCE conserve loons! Read more on the VCE Blog »

A Record Nesting Year for Common Loons
September 18, 2014Vermont’s Common Loon population had a record year in 2014 for nesting success, producing 65 fledglings on lakes and ponds throughout the state. We report about it on the VCE blog. Read more. »

Common Loons on the Air
September 03, 2014Vermont's WCAX-TV Channel 3 joined Loon Biologist Eric Hanson in the field with Common Loons. With loons cooperating, Eric offers a nice account of VCE's work. Watch the video. »

Positively Loon
August 20, 2014Discover the Vermont Loon Conservation Project in a 30-minute interview with Eric Hanson on CCTV-Channel 17's show "Positively Vermont." Eric explains the full range of Vermont's role in loon recovery. Watch the video. »

A Common Loon Meets a Snowy Owl
Rarely the twain shall meet. But it happened in Craftsbury, Vermont. Our loon biologist, Eric Hanson, was there when a Common Loon met up with a Snowy Owl. Read more. »